Thursday 9 June 2016


ALU   is a combinationl circuits that implements fixed point addition and subtraction typically using the carry - lookahead methods , it is... thumbnail 1 summary
ALU  is a combinationl circuits that implements fixed point addition and subtraction typically using the carry - lookahead methods , it is also implements to a set shift-and-add/subtracted logicalm operation . multipication and division algorithms of the type can be reliazed by addinng  a few operand registers an accumalter AC, a multiplier quetiant register MQ and a multipland dividend registers MD as well as small control unit .

Dataopath units usually contain the addressible register file-in effect a small a high speed RAM to store ALU operands . 

the register file has several IO ports tp allow operands in servel diffrence registers to be accessed simultneous . bit slicing is a usefull techniqs for contructing a large ALU from multiple copies a small ALU slice.

Multicycling allows a small ALU to process large operands at lower hardware cost but more slowly than bit slicing

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